Pre-1900 Gear and Weapons Armor Shields Weapons Occupations Adventurers Civilians OrganizationsĬhapter 2: Clothing Styles of Dress Clothing Pieces Clothing Construction Chapter 3: Architecture and PropertyĬhapter 7: Combat, Armor, and Weapons Combat Vocabulary Physical Attributes Size and Body Type Facial Features Hair Brown Introduction What Makes This Book Different The Storyteller’s Responsibility: Research What This Book Does Not Contain A Whisper of Encouragement Chapter 1: Character Building Table of Contents The Storyteller’s Thesaurus Fantasy, History, and Horror James M. Chenault & Gray Publishing, Troll Lord Games logos are Trademark of Chenault & Gray Publishing. Storyteller’s Thesaurus Trademark of Cheanult & Gray Publishing. Any mention of actual commercial products in this book does not constitute an endorsement. LEGAL PAGE: Every effort has been made not to make use of proprietary or copyrighted material. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is available via Steam.The Storyteller’s Thesaurus Fantasy, History, and Horror James M. In any case, when you’ve met all the requirements, you could go ahead and begin your assault. They’ll help whittle down demons before and during certain fights in the Gray Garrison. Basically, either of these two groups could join your army. We discussed this in a separate guide concerning Ramien and Hulrun. The Priests of Desna or the Prelate’s Crusaders Likewise, if Finnean the Talking Weapon already joined you (from Woljif’s companion quest in the Ancestries and Wonders Shop), the Storyteller will give you more details about its past and possible future. He’ll tell you more about the Gray Garrison.

The Blackwing Library is also where you’ll meet the Storyteller. Oh, and this also unlocks the Trickster Mythic Path for later use. But, your trickery will allow you to make them join the army. If successful, you’ll realize that these crusaders are actually impostors. You’ll need Lore (Religion) 15 and Perception 17 to do this.

You can either attack them, or you can pass the skill checks via dialogue. Inside, you should encounter a group of crusaders who are burning survivors. Visiting Blackwing Library is actually one of the requirements before you could attack the Gray Garrison. Likewise, they’ll sabotage some of the rooms to clear enemies. They’ll help you prior to the advance by sharing a secret passage to enter the Gray Garrison. Because of this, you’ll have the option to have them join the army. If you have Athletics 16, you can help pull them out of the rubble. This band of thieving Tieflings can be found in Market Square (at the plaza with the ruined church). Anyway, let’s talk about the new pals you could make. However, I don’t think they actually count as allies for the offensive. Oh, and to clarify, there are other NPCs with unique names, and they do appear later in the campaign (i.e., Horgus Gwerm and the traveling circus troupe). You’ll be able to find several allies before you assault the Gray Garrison (indeed, visiting some of these locations is even required). Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – A Common Cause - Where to find allies for the Gray Garrison assault Note: For more information, check out our Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous guides and features hub. Here’s our Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous guide to help you with A Common Cause and finding allies for the assault on the Gray Garrison. This entails finding supporters who can help your army. During the early stage of the campaign in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, you’ll receive a quest called A Common Cause.